Strona w trakcie tworzenia. Materiały się sukcesywnie uzupełniane.
All-women exhibitions appeared together with the professionalisation of women's artistic practices in the mid-19th century and they are organised until today.
The objective of the "History of Women's Art Exhibitions in Poland" project was twofold. The first goal was to gather information and extensive archival materials related to all exhibitions of this kind that have been organised in Poland. The second objective consisted in conducting an analysis in order to answer the following question: Why were all-women exhibitions organised then and continue to be organised today and how do they relate to the changing position of women in society and of female artists in the world of art?
The project was carried out at the Institute of Art History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in the years 2014-2017. It was financed by the National Science Centre.
Agata Jakubowska, Luiza Kempińska, Karolina Rosiejka, All-Women Exhibitions as Tactics and Strategies in the Field of Art - submitted ABSTRACT
History of All-Women Exhibitions in Poland, "Art and Documentation" 15. 2016 ABSTRACTS
Agata Jakubowska, No Groups but Friendship. All-Women Initiatives in Poland, in: All-Women Art Spaces in Europe in the long 1970s, eds. Agata Jakubowska and Katy Deepwell, The Liverpool University Press, December 2017
Meetings: Exhibitions of Women’s Art Curated by Izabella Gustowska, „Ikonotheka” 26, 2016, s. 291-311